Babies and children up to five years welcome! We offer day care services between 8:am-16:00pm TERM TIME
Our environment provides natural materials for children to investigate and explore. Children are free to explore in our large creating station with support from our friendly team of qualified staff. Springwood's team provide fun, challenging experiences through a well planned environment that supports child's individual interests and needs.
Children take part in small group activities. We provide fun soft play, climbing frames, physical equipment, balls with target practice, musical instrument and much more.
Our outside space provides room for children to run, climb, jump or dig in our free flow garden, where children have the opportunity to play outside in all weathers.
Springwood is guided by the Early Foundation Stage (EYFS). We encourage our parents to support their children's learning at home as well as at nursery/preschool by building strong positive relationships with our families and providing home learning ideas for parents.
We support children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and children who speak English as an additional language. Please view our Policies and SEND Local Offer tab to understand what support we offer each day.
Our children should bring their pack lunch if staying with us all day along with their own snacks.
We offer Fun, Dedication, Care, and Support, Learning through Play, and much more ...
We provide a range of experiences and learning opportunities for our children which is planned and thoughtful, please visit our Gallery or Facebook page to see what we have been up to.
Individual, Tailored, 1:1 and Small Groups Working Sessions, Outside Agencies Support, Communication and Language Groups
Springwood Preschool and Nursery LTD
Copnor Denmead
Copnor-07434978487 Denmead-02392 261638
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Company number 14348586