Babies and children up to five years welcome!
Children need fresh air, and freedom. Its important for our children to be provided with an environment were they can move, run, explore, dig or simply take in the beautiful nature we are surrounded by. We enjoy visiting the shops, local farm animals, and the park.
A child's day at Busy Bee's is endless. We create an environment which offers learning opportunities for all children, challenging their minds to create, investigate and explore. We courage every child to make positive relationships with there peers and key workers. Through-out our week we cook and bake , read stories and role play, mark make and get messy with paint and glue along with so much more...
We are not just a preschool! We have a beautiful baby area within our play hall, were babies from 3 months - 2 years can come and play, explore and build warm relationships with their key workers. Its vital children from 0-5 years are supported with their physical , language, and personal, social and emotional development. Our baby area provides many different experience's for young learners. Sensory play, treasure baskets, many interesting homely items that shine, and make great noises when bashed with wooden sticks. Our young little learners have the time to explore our garden and field, and join our pre-schoolers on outings.
We offer Fun, Dedication, Care, and Support. We Learn through Play
The range of experiences and learning opportunities for our children our planned and thoughtful, please visit our Gallery or Facebook page to see what we have been up to.
Individual, Tailored, 1:1 and Small Groups Working Sessions, Outside Agencies Support, Communication and Language Groups
Springwood Preschool and Nursery LTD
Copnor Denmead
Copnor-07434978487 Denmead-02392 261638
Copyright © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.
Company number 14348586